Hydroponics is widely famous for its features like less pollution and all. People may get confused over the use of styrofoam in hydroponics. Well, styrofoams are produced from polystyrene and it is a petroleum-based product. The process of making and maintaining styrofoam is extensive. The styrene is changed into polystyrene through polymerization, and later hydrofluorocarbon additives are added to make foam boards of polystyrene. How styrofoam is different from polystyrene?. Generally, people may associate these two components as the same. But they differ in terms. The major difference is that styrofoam is the expanded version of polystyrene. Polystyrenes are monomer styrene and they possess the traits of aromatic hydrocarbons.
Hydroponics, as we mentioned is a sub-method of hydroculture. Usually, it needs nutrient solvents to maintain the nutrient balance of crops. Hydroponics open a wide range of opportunities for farming in simpler methods. The advantage of hydroponics is that we can save space and cultivate crops more conveniently. Through proper support and nourishing hydroponics can be termed as a good method of earning process. Excluding the issue of sterility (this can be reduced through proper nourishing of nutrients) hydroponics is suitable for the raising of crops (even root vegetables can be cultivated through hydroponics).
How hydroponics is related to styrofoams?. When we practice hydroponics there is a need for a nutrient solution for the perpetuation of the crops. There are several methods for making contact with the plant roots and these nutrients cycle. Styrofoam boxes are frequently used as the backer of hydroponics cultivation. Through cutting these styrofoam boards, the plant root gets enough nutrients from the solvent. Concerning the impact and safety of styrofoams in hydroponics, the professionals in this field assure the use of styrofoams for hydroponics. The constituent of styrofoam is styrene that is a kind of hydrocarbon and it won’t create any adverse effects on hydroponics (cultivation).
Polystyrene (styrene generally) is a substance that is more convenient for food packing and storing. Polystyrene vegetable boxes become incessant in packaging. Styrofoam doesn’t release any kind of toxic substance when it has contact with water. Because of this styrofoams are generally prescribed for hydroponics. The roots of the plant can properly absorb nutrients and minerals from the solvent. Styrofoams becomes dangerous (or toxic) when they are exposed to severe temperature. Hydroponics allows the floating of plants and styrofoams to display unparalleled traits of buoyancy.
Why styrofoam is suggested in hydroponics?. Styrofoam has numerous qualities which foster the convenient and easy advancement of hydroponics. Styrofoams are comparatively inexpensive, show greater buoyancy, and are thoroughly safe for use (for gardening, etc). In hydroponics, we put seeds of plants in the holes of styrofoam. The seed will be safe and the growth of seeds never get retard. The styrofoam is connected with some pipes or tubes, so the nutrient solvent can easily reach every plant and the growth of the plant can be maintained to a greater extent. According to our comfort and ease, we can use styrofoam boards or styrofoam cuttings.
If you are taking large containers (lengthy containers) for storing nutrient solvents and your crops will float (due to the buoyancy of styrofoams) in that nutrient solvent and make your crops grow more healthily. The simple and easiest method for growing plants in hydroponics can be achieved through the use of styrofoam boxes. By taking needful precautions, styrofoam boxes are suitable for hydroponics cultivation with less pollution and risk. It allows a wider way of using and you can easily achieve more growth within less maintenance.
Styrofoam containers are reusable for hydroponics. When using styrofoam boxes for hydroponics we have to consider some factors. Use styrofoam containers that are free from any kind of contamination. While using pressed styrofoam boxes maybe there will be a chance of having chemicals in those boards. And this will affect the nutrient solvent and the growth of the crops. Another important factor that we have to consider is the appropriate use of styrofoam. Excessive use of these boxes may reduce the space and thereby the growth of plants.
As aforementioned, styrofoam containers may act as a toxic inducer when they are overexposed to high temperatures. Above some point, the elements ( or the constituents) in the styrofoam board may get disposed of under high temperatures. The entire system (of hydroponics) will be contaminated with these toxic substances and gradually lead to the decaying of the crops. The constituents of the nutrient cycle will be altered and will become poisonous. This kind of poisonous substance creates environmental havoc and hazards. While concerning the advantages of styrofoams in hydroponics cultivation, they can’t be placed into a second position. Through rigorous nourishing and maintenance, we can avoid destructions due to styrofoams. Hydroponics agape a wide variety of chances for accumulating economic growth, and we can aid and foster this by simple styrofoams!